Cardiology Service 
Cardiology Service 

Pediatric cardiology deals with diagnostics and treatment of children’s congenital and acquired heart diseases, myocardial and valvular heart diseases, and with prevention of complications. 


Cardiological diseases in children can be primary, meaning that they can be congenital, genetic, and secondary, as complications of other diseases. In children and adolescents some diseases, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, recurrent tonsillitis, can lead to valvular heart disease, meanwhile Familial Mediterranean Fever and autoimmune diseases can lead to pericarditis (inflammation of tissue surrounding the heart).

Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, is a serious condition, caused by different reasons, and it can lead to acute heart failure. The condition is very severe and the treatment is long. Vasculitis and Kawasaki disease are dangerous as well: they lead to an inflammation of the coronary arteries and thus, cause acute heart failure. COVID-19 affects the coronary arteries as well. 

Currently, the frequency of arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) has increased among children and adolescents due to the rejuvenation of the disease and increase of various risk factors. Arterial hypertension in children can be essential (primary) and secondary, as a result of other conditions such as acute/chronic kidney disease, hormonal disorders etc. The right time to diagnose and treat this condition is during adolescence. 


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