The Child from Artsakh admitted to “Arabkir” MC 
24 June 2023

The child from Artsakh, who is one year old, is currently in an extremely critical condition and has been admitted to the "Arabkir" Medical Complex. Earlier today, Russian peacekeepers transported the child by helicopter from Artsakh to Armenia.

It is important to note that the child was initially admitted to the "Arevik" Children's Hospital in Stepanakert a few days ago with tonsillitis and rash. However, after a few days of being in the hospital, doctors noticed that the child exhibited drowsiness and unusual, involuntary movements. They contacted their colleagues in the neurology and epileptology service of the "Arabkir" Medical Complex for professional consultation. Currently, there are no pediatric neurologists available in Artsakh, so the medical professionals maintain regular contact with the doctors at "Arabkir" through various remote communication methods.

After conducting multiple video calls and remote observations, the medical team determined that a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed due to suspicion that the virus had invaded the nervous system, resulting in viral encephalitis and affecting the brain. The doctors in Artsakh promptly arranged for the examination and the diagnosis was confirmed. However, it was not possible to obtain a more detailed diagnosis specifying the exact virus responsible for the issue. This was due to the complete closure of the road to Artsakh for over a week, and the specialized virus tests can only be conducted in Armenia.

Arranging treatment in Artsakh is currently impossible due to the lack of necessary medications in Stepanakert. The child’s health condition was in significant danger, especially when the MRI revealed another serious problem: aside from inflammation, hemorrhage was also observed in the child's brain. The doctors in Artsakh made urgent and selfless efforts to manage the child's condition in the resuscitation department. However, as the days passed, the child’s condition deteriorated further, making it evident that managing his condition in the besieged Stepanakert was no longer feasible and he should be transferred to Yerevan.

The process of organizing the transfer took additional 24 hours, during which the child's condition worsened, leading to the onset of convulsions. Consequently, anticonvulsant medication was prescribed.

The child was initially transferred from Artsakh to Sisian via helicopter. From Sisian, the child was transported to Yerevan by the resuscitation and intensive care team of the "Arabkir" Medical Complex, using a specially equipped resuscitation vehicle. Currently, the baby is in the examination phase to further clarify the previously established diagnosis and determine the subsequent treatment plan. 

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